Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A- Mon(core), Tues(legs), Wed, Thurs(upper body)

Much needed rest on Sund...  Then Mon was a core workout day with my personal trainer.  Kinda lame, as she was trying to help me figure out the excersizes that I could do (and it what order according to the firing of the abs) but we never actually DID them... So I did them after our time - took about 35? min.  Tried jump roping into my ab supersets cause I knew I wouldn't have time for a longer cardio but I kept getting sharp pains in my sacrum. sp?     Did okay- REALLY like the excersizes- had NO idea how week my upper abs are cause I always work my lower and "side" abs.

Tues was the same workout that I did last leg workout, but I added supersets of jumproping to the first and last set. It was intense!  Loved it =) 

Wed 20 min steps, and 25 min laps.   Tried out a new bathing suit.... NOT so good for some strokes. ;)  My boobs were flyin all over the place! lol!  (obviously, I didn't do those strokes anymore ;))  Then swimming with Cole... =)  He LOVED it!

Thurs... feeling a little lame on the cardio... Just did upper body (same as last week- but I added an extra rep of push ups, used 40 pounds instead of 30 pounds on my tri/bi cable ropes and added a set to total it to 4!)

Tomorrow eve I'll try to make a class so I can get in some good cardio.


  1. SO do you like your PT? Does she plan things out for you or does she just kinda make things up as you go? SOunds like a mixed bag :) Glad you are getting some intensity. (I've been lacking lately)

  2. Love my PT- she seems to have a plan each time. Very organized and reallllly know's her physiology. Love her!
