Friday, February 11, 2011

A- Feb 11 Zumba

Yet again, I ended up in "Jean"s class.... uuhg.  It was a little better this time cause I was in the front and could watch her like a hawk... she DOES direct, but it's impossible to see unless you're close to her...

I'll keep that in mind if I end up with her again....  one other complaint: 
although i sweated quite a bit, it felt like it only got intense for one song... and not even the whole song.... WHY did I take the class if I knew i didn't like her? Weeeelllll I was hoping it was the Other Jean- I'll look out for Jean L ;)  to try her out... 

Oh and I did jack-knifes with a medium ball- 3 sets of 8 reps... then stretching...

tomorrows a new day- I'm ready for sleep...


  1. That sucks... I'll be sure to avoid Jean's Class ;) I hate it when you are stuck in a lame class... if you were having trouble following I'd probabaly be on the floor!
