Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Feb 22nd. Cardio and floorwashers ;)

Oh yeah, I did em- Loved the floorwashers... Tell you what though- I think I need a heavier bar than 20 pounds.  It really wasn't hard till the last half of my 3rd set so I did a 4th...

By the way, today is the first day that I got called back to the child care to change Cole's poopy diaper, only to find out that they had the wrong Kid- it was not Cole lol- time to change his pic on the card, as he no longer lookes like a 2 year old ;)

Started with cardio- eliptical for 15 minutes,  cross training setting- went backwards a lot- liked it =)

Did my floorwashers- 20 pound ez bar, 4 sets of 20 reps (each side was a rep so if you count ONE as a left AND right lift, then I did 10 reps per set) 

Row machine, 10 min- highest resistance... I never know if I'm doing it correctly, or in a way that gives me peak performance/resistance... My abs were definetely sore from though which I'm sure is from diong the floorwashers first =)

Elpitical with arms thingy- forgot the name- again.  10 minutes, level 9 fat burner. 
Tough to stretch my left leg - it's getting more stiff- probably from the horseback riding- I spent extra time doing slow stretches to get my left leg a little more open/relaxed

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked the floor wipers. You should obviously do more reps AND 1 million pounds. Those are so hard for me... maybe it's because I am all legs or more likely I am just weak ;)

    You'll definitely have to let me teach you how to row sometime. Not that it matters that much but you know you want to look like a cool rower on the rowing machine.
