Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ugh!  Sorry to be MIA lately.  I have been working out but I have also missed quite a few days to being sick!  It is so frustrating!!!  This week Cori gave Mark and I a wonderful stomach bug!  Talk about miserable... nothing like losing weight and doing an unscheduled detox (if you know what I mean ;) )

Anyway, I did some light light cardio today... just some arc trainer and recumbent bike.  It was lame but I didn't want to push my luck.

I did get a nice run in on the TM last week and then I got sick!  I also went to Zumba on Wed and am hoping to go again tomorrow... oh and I got a nice jumprope, push-up, h pull-up, kettle bell swing, floor wiper workout in.... that's all I can remember off the top of my head.  I'm sure there were some not so interesting cardio workouts mixed in there!  ;)

Trying to get better/ stay better... hopefully I will get back on track soon.. it's tough when you get derailed with sick kids and sick self!  (but I know you already know that!)

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh my goodness =( NOT cool! So sorry you guys were all so sick =P blaacch Glad you're feeling better and I think it's great you're taking it slow... I figured from a previous FB post that maybe the 2 girls were sick... it's soooooo much worse when you're sick too. Wish i was closer! I'da left you some chicked soup and gatorade at your front door ;) soooo what's a H pull up and a floor sweeper?
